Anna White

4080 days ago

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph again: Ooooooh Noooooh

Long term readers will know that my relationship with the Daily Torygraph City Diary has not always been of the friendliest variety. First there was gorgeous pouting hackette Anna White but when she left her shoes were filled by Fleet Street kitten Harriet Denys. Neither has been exactly kind to me and so when I learned that this column was to write a piece on my little spat with Sefton Resources ( the company that says its output is going up when it was in fact falling and now sues me for libel for suggest that this might be misleading) I naturally feared the worst.

Oddly Ms Denys did not actually call me for my side of the story. Last time she covered Sefton she claimed that Brokerman Dan was only being brutal because he was short of the stock, citing sources, i.e Sefton’s loathsome PR machine, for this utterly defamatory and unfounded allegation of market abuse. And so I thought I better call pouting Harriet to put my side of the story.

I pointed out that Sefton had said output was rising when it was falling as it prepared to raise money by issuing shares. I asked her if she thought this was misleading? She admitted that she did. Clearly I must call her as an expert witness in the forthcoming libel trial.

Do I expect a fair report in the paper tomorrow? Er…no. I am sure that Sefton’s PR machine is far more charming than I am. And for the Telegraph City Diary to be even balanced towards me would break the habit of a lifetime.


4225 days ago

Scrumptious pouting hackette Harriet Denys of the Telegraph – Dinner Invitation (Please say yes)

It seems that scrumptious pouting hackette Anna White of the Telegraph City Diary is absent on maternity leave until August 2013. How she will be missed. But her successor, Ms Harriet Denys seems to follow in Anna’s ways and also cannot stop herself from writing about me. She seems to have picked up on yesterday’s More Jam Vicar piece and today posts:
